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Our School

Saint Teresa Regional School follows the educational policies set forth by the Office of Catholic Education, Diocese of Camden and the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The review and development of the curriculum are an ongoing process, which requires the cooperation of classroom teachers, coordinators, and administration to act in conjunction with the guidelines set forth by the Diocese. The Pastors and Regional School Board approve policies.  These policies are clarified by the diocese through the principal and implemented by the teachers.


The teacher, as a role model, motivates students to develop a love of learning. Current educational practices which enhance the learning process include the use of: the integrated language approach, multimedia and technological resources, cooperative learning activities, math and science manipulatives, and problem solving techniques.


Evaluations at Saint Teresa Regional School are formal and informal in nature and are used to insure sequential progress in basic skills and to provide remediation as well as enrichment activities in all subject areas. Students are evaluated annually by the administration of the Renaissance Star Testing program, report cards, progress reports, tests and writing folders are sent home on a regular basis.   One formal parent/teacher conference is scheduled in the fall and/or winter months for each student.  Additional parent/teacher conferences are scheduled by the teacher and/or parents upon request. The principal evaluates each teacher throughout the year. Observations are intended to assist teachers to continue their growth as educators and to encourage areas of strength. All students are encouraged to think positively, to respect and cooperate with one another and to strive to achieve to the best of their abilities.


Through the competence of a responsible and dedicated faculty, Saint Teresa Regional School strives to help students to develop spiritually, morally, intellectually, socially, and physically.  The education of the child in Saint Teresa Regional School is important not only to his/her individual destiny, but it is directed to forming persons in community. The building of community in all areas of life is the heart of education. Religious instruction in Saint Teresa Regional School is the underlying reality in which the students’ experiences of learning and living achieve coherence and meaning. Instruction in human knowledge and skills derive their most profound significance from God’s plan for His creation.  A love and appreciation of the Holy Eucharist fosters the growth of Christian community in our students.


The administration and faculty seek to provide a strong academic and spiritual program focused on developing the whole child. They hope to nurture the desire to learn within each student and encourage each of them to share his/her gifts and talents with others. Teachers strive to cultivate in students a sense of responsibility and thoughtfulness in their relationships with others.


Students are expected to be Christian role models who witness by word and action to the God who lives within each person. The students are valued as children of God who are in the process of development. Through faith, students know that God is always present and He loves them unconditionally.  They are counseled to respect others and exhibit concern and compassion through the use of good manners and treating others with dignity.


The faculty and staff recognize that it shares the faith community with the home and acknowledges parents as primary educators of their children. Parents coordinate their efforts with those of the faculty to provide a safe environment in order to foster spiritual and intellectual development, stimulate creativity, encourage love of learning, and nurture the self-esteem of each child.


Beginning their day in dialogue with God through daily prayer experiences and attendance at Mass, students are guided in the development of Christian fellowship. They are afforded opportunities to extend that relationship beyond the school community by developing and carrying out a variety of service projects.


It is the goal of Saint Teresa Regional School to be a loving, joyful, and active community of faith-filled persons oriented toward Christian service. For this end, every effort will be made to help students acquire the skills, virtues, and habits of heart and mind necessary for effective service to others.